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How are the best of the best recognized in Mathematics?

Mathematicians are often touted as the smartest people on the planet but then you hear about the best and brightest winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Literature, Medicine, Economics... Peace... but not MATHEMATICS. I haven't really thought too much about it until I started to research for this post. I knew Mathematicians had their own awards and just left it at that. Well, let's take a look at what was up with Alfred Nobel and then talk about the biggest math prizes. Source: Wikipedia Alfred Nobel Born Alfred Bernhard Nobel 21 October 1833 Stockholm , Sweden Died 10 December 1896 (aged 63) Sanremo , Italy Nobel was a Swedish chemist and inventor. He holds 355 patents with dynamite being the most well known. After being criticized for making a fortune off of the production of armaments, he decided to leave his fortune to the Nobel Prize Institute to change his legacy. His last will and testament set aside monies to establish the Nobel Prizes. These prizes were to be

Counting All the Ways We Do Algebra... and don't know it.

I don't know about you but every time I see this meme, shared on Social Media, my blood boils. I think it says a lot about our current culture and state of education but that is for another day. Instead I want to talk about how much we use Algebra and don't even think about it. I would love to hear if you have examples to add to my list. When you calculate the time you need to leave your house or need to wake up so that you make it to your destination on time...  ALGEBRA! When you perceive the distance to something you are trying to grab or the location something will drop if it is thrown or falls. This is a calculation that even a 16-month old baby is capable of doing instinctually. It is also  ALGEBRA! When you channel your inner Kobe to make a garbage can shot from across the room. Your brain is calculating the distance to the can, air resistance, the weight of the trash, the trajectory, and the force required. But your calculations don't stop there. Your brain is also e

Teaching an "Everyone is a Math Person" Mindset from Day 1.

Even if you are not a teacher you probably know that the fundamentals for a good classroom are to develop relationships and to build a safe environment for students to take risks. In the math classroom, students are coming in with loads of math baggage that are both traumas and successes. Getting a student to trust you to take care of them as they try hard and new things and to support them through mistakes is a daunting task. Here are some of the things that I do that help students see themselves as mathematicians in my room (and hopefully out in the real world) as well as trust me to take care of them as they grow as mathematicians. Set your intentions in your introduction and classroom décor. Student Created Einstein Bio Student Created Mary Jackson Poster I want the students to see mathematicians on the walls that are both famous but also diverse so that they can make connections with the people who created the math they will be learning. Often Math is presented as this magical thi